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Adopts Measures to Support Olympic Security Work
Release Time:2009/4/30 13:53:21            【Font-size:Big Middle Small

In order to facilitate patent applicants, SIPO recently issues the Circular on Submitting CDs Related to Patent Application During Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on SIPO governmental website.
According to the Circular, from August 1 to September 30, 2008, applicants can submit CDs to local agencies established by SIPO Patent Office. The CDs should be captioned with information such as application number, applicant, title and so force. These agencies should register all the received CDs, keep them properly and submit them to SIPO Patent Office when condition allowed.
In order to ensure a successful Olympic Game in Beijing, departments such as State Post Bureau of China jointly issue the Announcement on Further Strengthening the Supervision Work upon Postal Materials, which influences patent applicants in submitting CDs related to patent application to some extent. Under the circumstance, SIPO actively adopts the measures to ensure the implementation of provisions of Beijing Olympics-related security, facilitate patent applicants and guarantee the work of patent examination.
Release Time:2009/4/30 13:53:21[ Print ]