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Zhang Qin Leads a Delegation to India for the WIPO Inter-Regional Forum
Release Time:2009/4/30 17:22:49            【Font-size:Big Middle Small
SIPO Deputy Commissioner Zhang Qin recently leads a delegation to India to attend the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Inter-Regional Forum on the Role of Intellectual Property in the Innovative Economy. More than 100 representatives from the governments and industrial circles of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America attend the forum. WIPO Deputy Director General Narendra K. Sabharwal attends the opening ceremony and delivers a speech.
Mr. Zhang gives speeches on two topics of "the Roles of IP in Knowledge and Innovative Economies" and "the Strategic Utilization of Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources". During his speeches, Mr. Zhang illustrates the roles of the IP system in China's economic development, introduces China's legislation and practices of protecting the traditional knowledge and genetic resources, China's experience in IP work and its major challenges, and has exchanges with participating representatives and spokesmen. All the participants express their appreciation to the outstanding achievements made by China in IP sector within 30 years.
Representatives from institutions and organizations such as the WIPO, Japan Patent Office, Korean Industrial Property Office, Kenya Industrial Property Institute, IBM and a law firm of Australia deliver speeches on the roles of IP in economic development, the contributions of copyright industry in economic development, utilization of IP strategy and the cooperation of production and learning.
Jointly held by WIPO, Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India and the Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India, the forum is held mainly to introduce the latest international trends and development of national IP strategies, discuss the measures of promoting innovative economy through IP, and seek the effective ways of encouraging innovation and promoting technology communications in key economic areas through flexibly utilizing IP strategies.
Release Time:2009/4/30 17:22:49[ Print ]