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Modification to the Guidelines for Examination Launched
Release Time:2009/5/6 11:48:42            【Font-size:Big Middle Small

In order to support the third modification of the Patent Law and its implementation regulations, the Examination Department of Patent Office of SIPO holds a conference on December 4 to launch the work of modifying the Guidelines for Examination. SIPO Deputy Commissioner He Hua stresses at the conference that the Guidelines should be modified under the precondition of safeguarding the national interests. Measures should be taken to maintain the stability of laws and regulations. At the same time, related mature research achievements should be absorbed into the new Guidelines. Efforts should be made to highlight some key areas such as the procedures so as to improve the examination efficiency.
Mr. He points out that in order to guarantee the implementation of the Patent Law and its implementation regulations as scheduled, we need a scientific, dynamic and interactive modification mechanism to ensure the synchronization of the modification work so as to adapt it to the newly modified Patent Law. Business backbones and experts should be the core force and all the examiners of SIPO should participate in the modification work.
Participants put forward many constructive opinions on modifying the working mechanism and procedures. After the meeting, various formulating groups hold a working conference, putting forward the concrete goals in different phases and working plans.
Members of SIPO Examination Guidance Commission and the Working Group of the Modification Work of the Guidelines For Examination attend the conference.
Release Time:2009/5/6 11:48:42[ Print ]